Can you pick up an origami crane with a crane machine? Would you trust a robot swarm to deliver your valuables? Visitors to the Trustworthy Autonomous Systems showcase next week will get to interact with our robot swarm and have a go at on our crane machine alongside hearing about our research in regulatory and ethical considerations of both these, and aerial robotic, systems. Our multi-disciplinary team will get to share their work on these systems with policy-makers, funders and members of the Autonomous Systems and robotic community, as well as interested members of the public.
Our Professor of swarm robotics, Sabine Hauert, will also speak in a plenary to further elaborate on the outputs our team has achieved over the course of the project- as sadly it ends at the end of April. We’re all really excited to hear what everyone else has done from across the TAS Hub and the rest of the nodes, when we gather at the IET in Savoy Place, London, next Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 March, and explore future collaborations and areas of interest.
We’ll post on X (Twitter) throughout the event, and if you’re there please come and say hi. We’ll also post a blog soon about what we learned and who we met- so please do check back for that and a report on our participation in the Festival of Tomorrow (with our competition winners).