Then come and join us for a series of talks and workshops on Wed 15 September at the TAS Programme All-hands meeting.
Dr Shane Windsor, Functionality Node Principal Investigator, will be hosting a fireside chat where you will have a chance to ask questions about the research we are doing at the Node. So if you are interested in how evolving functionality influences how systems need to be specified, designed, verified, validated, curated and regulated, then this is the event for you.
Shane has pre-recorded a talk which you are invited to listen to beforehand so you can prepare your questions.
The Functionality Node are also hosting a Specifying for Trustworthiness workshop which brings together researchers and engineers with interests in the specification requirements for trustworthy autonomous systems to discuss and identify intellectual challenges that can be developed into collaborative research projects.
Again, if you are interested in joining us and a host of experts from the TAS programme (Professor Luc Moreau, UKRI TAS Hub Deputy Director; Professor Yiannis Demiris, Professor of Human-Centred Robotics; Professor Subramanian Ramamoorthy, Professor of Robot Learning and Autonomy and more) register and sign up at the links below.
Members of the TAS community can also join an interactive Poster session on Tuesday 14 September at 12pm and 2.30pm where you can met some of the Functionality Node researchers and chat to them about their work.
View the programme
Register for the TAS Programme All Hands Meeting
Download the Whova Mobile App to sign up for talks and workshops.
Functionality Node fireside chat Wed 15 Sept 09:30-10:30 – open to all
Functionality Node Specifying for Trustworthiness workshop Wed 15 Sept 13:30-15:30 – open to all
Poster session Tuesday 14 September at 12pm and 2.30pm – open to TAS community members